Become A Member

Join a movement to raise our voices and support efforts to demand a change against Distracted Driving. With membership, you’ll receive newsletters and updates on Distracted Driving events, engage with other advocates, training opportunities and provide financial and emotional support for affected family members of Distracted Driving


The Victims of Distracted Driving Coalition (VDDC)’s mission is to organize and raise our voices to support efforts that demand a change to what has become a leading cause of death across the country; Distracted Driving. We are seeking changes in legislation that will hold offenders accountable while we work to continue to support the victims and advocates who have been forever negatively affected by Distracted Driving.

Your membership is available at an affordable price of $20, offering invaluable financial support to affected families. Gain immediate and exclusive entry to a diverse collection of valuable resources, tailored to make a positive impact in their lives.

Stay connected and informed on VDDC.ORG about events dedicated to connecting and educating individuals who support and advocate for victims of distracted driving.


We at VDDC.ORG are committed to spreading the message, fostering connections, and providing valuable resources to promote awareness around the issue of distracted driving.

A key area of focus for VDDC is to educate drivers, victims, and families of all ages about the risks and consequences of distracted driving.